Friday, May 1, 2009

Good News and Bad News

First, the good news:

I have officially finished the PAD Challenge. Yea me! Some days it was more of a struggle than others, but I prevailed, through thick and thin, haiku and sestina. I revitalized myself as a poet and stretched myself as a writer. All in all, a very good month. Pop on over to my writing blog for the final sampling of PAD poems and enter my contest to win a free book.

Now, the bad news:

My school called me yesterday with the news that my start date has been pushed back to May 18th. It’s disappointing, but there’s not much I can do about it. And I guess if I look on the bright side, it gives me another two weeks to adjust to getting up early in the morning.

Getting up earlier would be easier if the Space Channel wasn’t running the Star Trek movies Sunday through Thursday nights in honour of the new Star Trek movie being released. Yes, I do have all of them (except for Generations) on DVD, but I still can’t resist watching them with the commercials. Yes, I’m a mega Trekkie.

As you can see by the lack of posting, it’s been a pretty quiet week. The weather has alternated grey and dismal with sort of sunny, so my mood has more or less reflected this. I honestly don’t know where the time went this week, I’ve been making a valiant effort to stay away from those soul-sucking games and I don’t watch television during the day.

I’ve been doing a lot of online reading. I’ve been trying to read the poems other people posted for the challenge but it’s a losing battle, there’s so many of them! Also, Samhain Publishing has offered another handful of free stories. Click on the name to check them out.

I’m off now to the Saint Peter’s Book Sale. The one event I look forward to every spring. Books, glorious books. Would it be too much to ask for them to have shopping carts this year?

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