Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mostly School

My first day of school (yesterday) wasn’t nearly as interesting as getting there. I had to deal with a mix-up over my unemployment because my school was delayed by two weeks, which put me way behind in other things I needed to get done before leaving. Fortunately, school didn’t start until 1:30, otherwise I would have been twenty minutes late for my first orientation class.

You should see the size of my first textbook. And this one’s only for the first week! Now I’m really glad I have the new bookcase. Apparently we’ll be getting a text book this size every couple of weeks.

Orientation was a little ho hum, it’s mostly learning how to train ourselves to learn more effectively.

When I got home I had a message on my answering machine from a friend of the husband’s who invited me to a meeting of the local poetry group. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I went. It wasn’t too scarey, although I chickened out of reading something of my own. Tomorrow night there’s an open poetry reading and I’ll probably go to that as well.

I got home from the poetry group meeting just in time for the season finale of Dancing With the Stars. What a disappointment! After the first couple of episodes I figured it would come down to Gille and L’il Kim, but she was eliminated the first week of the finals. And in the end Gille got beat out by the teen-aged gymnast. Just goes to show you that this is based more on popularity than talent.

Today, stomach cramps woke me up about two hours early and caused all kinds of bad things, but I think they’re pretty much under control now. My morning is more relaxing and I’m looking forward to school this afternoon. And I don’t have anything planned for this evening, which is nice for a change.

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

12.05pm- I hope you're looking forward to lunch... O_o