Thursday, May 28, 2009

Colour Me

Colour me bad.

I ignored the number one rule of grocery shopping. Never shop when you’re hungry.

Of course it wasn’t entirely my fault. There was a guest speaker today so the class was moved to the morning so we could hear them too, so I was done school at lunch time, hence both the being hungry and the tardiness of this post.

I had to stop at the grocery store for bread on the way home from school and because I was hungry I also ended up with a bag of Doritos, a couple of boxes of cookies, and a braided apple pastry thing that tastes real yummy. And I should know, I’ve already eaten it. ;-)

Hmmm, cookies. Simple Pleasures Chocolate Thins. Thin, crispy cookie, big chocolately taste. I think I’m going to keep these in the office. Talk about an incentive to work at my desk!

Today I need the infusion of chocolate because after the speaker was done I had to get my picture taken for my student card. I was not expecting this so I was dressed in a white t-shirt (good quality, but still white) and because I don’t like hair dryers I had pulled my wet hair into a clip before going to school.

I took my half dry hair out of the clip and put on the beige jacket I had with me. Not much of an improvement, but I figured it was probably better than nothing. I was wrong. My hair looked greasy, not wet, and the beige (which I don’t normally wear) leeched what little colour I had out of my face.

I’m so glad no one ever has to see this picture.

This means you, Ciara!

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