Friday, May 8, 2009

Frustrating Friday

First of all, I would like to say that I deserve a medal of some kind. The daughter and I were in Peterborough yesterday and we stopped at Chapters (of course) and I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING! Are you shocked? Yeah, me too!

In fact, the entire trip to Peterborough, including a visit to Fabricland, I didn't buy anything. The daughter even bought me a Chai Tea Frappa-something from Starbucks that tasted like a little piece of heaven.

* * * * * * * * * *

Late Tuesday my lap top had a melt-down. Or to be more accurate, it contracted a whole slue of nasty viruses and I had the melt down.

I never realized how attached I'd become to my lap top. It didn't really hit me until Wednesday night when the husband came home and said: "Oh, look, she's reading."

I thought he was being sarcastic, but he was serious. After thinking about it I saw that he was right, usually I'm on the lap top at night. Looking back, I realize I got into this habit during NaNoWriMo - I'd end up writing in front of the television at night to make my daily word count, usually some where in the wee small hours.

After NaNo I kept the habit of having my lap top in front of me while I was watching T.V., but I'd be surfing or playing games, not writing. In fact, my production has seriously slackened off since NaNo.

As my cognative therapist would have said, "Look for the good in bad situations." The bad situation, of course, being that my lap top has caught the swine flu and will probably be returned to me emptied of all it once held.

ON the bad side:
** lost several awesome blog posts that I had written and saved in WordPerfect
** lost a couple of days' worth of writing
** lost my precious book marks
** have to use the funky desktop with its head-ache inducing monitor, sticky keyboard, and craptacular mouse

ON the good side:
** backed up the majority of my important files only a couple of days prior to the melt-down.
** I have gone through game withdrawl and come out on the other side a stronger person.
** I'm forced to use my home office and I find I like it
** I've rediscovered the pen and paper and find I like that too.
** I'm rediscovering my short stories - most of which were never on the computer in the first place.
** I finally cleared off the mess of paperwork I've had laying around my office

Though it would be nice to get my lap top back today, I can probably wait until Monday if I have to. I'll be away this weekend anyway and it's not like I'd be taking it with me.

We'll see how I am if I have to wait past Monday for my precious to be returned. I may have to go Gollum on the computer doctor. :-)

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

next time make a google homepage, it saves your bookmarks for you. I found this out the hard way when I lost them all. :( I feelz for you.