Monday, May 11, 2009

Good Gnus Monday

I have my lap top back! What, did you think I’d actually sold something I’d written? That wouldn’t just be good news, that’d be awesome news!

I’m just happy I have my baby back, and it’s working again. And I think I discovered the source of the virus and you know what? I totally deserved a virus.

Last Monday, on my writing blog, I made some silly reference to setting goals and since I fell short of those goals I decided to move back into my office on Tuesday. Only one problem, my office was bursting with books, papers, cat hair, etc.

So on Tuesday I went into my office, took one look at all the junk piled up, and went: “Ewww!”

Tempting as it was to just shut the door and forget about it, I showed great restraint and didn’t. But neither did I want to spend all day cleaning it up. So I compromised. I found temporary homes for the books I brought home from the book sale, moved some papers off the desk, and set up the new router so I could get that box out of the way.

Which, when you think about it, wasn’t really a priority job because if I’m working in my office then I can always plug directly into the router or the modem if the connection is crappy. However, it’s done and it wasn’t hard at all. In fact, it was embarrassingly simple. Are you proud of me, Chippy? I even remembered to write down my password and security code and network name. I have the piece of paper right . . . uh . . . well . . . . somewhere. :-)

Then I did my normal routine of e-mail and blog reading, and then . . . nothing. I sat and stared out the window, my mind blank. So then I thought maybe some music would help, only my CD player is still in the spare bedroom and I was too lazy to unhook it and hook it back up.

So then I decided to just listen to the radio on my computer. Wow, there’s a lot of radio stations out there. The husband is pretty narrow minded when it comes to music. For him it’s classic rock all the way, with maybe a little metal or blues thrown in just to keep it interesting.

Despite her father’s influence, the daughter listens to a much broader range of music, everything from Japanese anime soundtracks to Frank Sinatra, although she’s not a fan of classical, country, or celtic. Myself, I’ll give just about any music a try. You should see my CD collection - soundtracks, Celtic, Gregorian Chants, Whale Songs, Classical, Pop and Rock . . . the list goes on.

These radio stations were so cool! All kinds of music from all over the world! I was like a kid in a candy shop. Bet you can’t bookmark just one! I finally settled on listening to a Native Music station and then surfed on over to AW for inspiration.

Not much going on over there, so I checked my e-mail again and found a junk mail message had made it past the filter and into my inbox in hotmail. It looked like some kind of newsletter. Instead of just clicking on “delete and block” like I’d normally do, I clicked on the handy little link that said “to unsubscribe from this newsletter, click here”. And then my lap top started freezing up.

*sigh* Like I said, it’s my own fault.


Unknown said...

These kinda things catch the most computer savy person...just think with the computer all clean, it will be much faster....there is always a shiny side to the dark cloud.

Carol, the cat slave said...

It boots up a little quicker, but I don't notice anything else being much faster. I think that's because the security is much tighter now . . .