Wednesday, May 27, 2009

School Daze

I think my instructor is getting annoyed with me. She hands out assignments and I have mine finished before she’s finished droning on about how to do them. It’s not my fault I’m computer literate, why am I being punished for it?

And can someone tell me what is the point of timed typing tests when we aren’t even allowed to use the whole alphabet yet? I’m not bragging here, but while the girls in front of me were all excited to reach 35 words per minute with four or five mistakes, I’ve been typing 70 words a minute with no mistakes.


I was whining about the keyboarding exercises to the husband last night and he got quite the chuckle out of it, remembering his high school typing class (which obviously didn’t do him much good because he’s a two finger typist at work). But then he rhymed off some letters of the alphabet like I should know them.

Turns out he was trying to remember the letters for the home row. He asked me if he was right and I shrugged. How should I know? I didn’t learn to type in high school, I learned at business college where we did touch-typing.

We sat behind typewriters (yes, I’m so old that I learned to type on a typewriter!) that had no letters on the keys. The room was dark and we looked up at a projection on the wall for our lessons. So, no, I don’t know what the letters of the home row are. But put my fingers on the home row and I can type the alphabet without looking. In fact, I type faster when I keep focused on the copy instead of what I’m doing.

Meanwhile, back in school. I finished keyboarding lesson six yesterday while everyone else seems to be struggling with lesson three still.

The good news is, I have internet access at school.

The bad news is, I’m too intimidated to make use of it.

I’m sure this will change. :-)


Jamie D. said...

I was afraid that was going to happen! I'm a touch-typist to...which is good, because my work keyboard has quite a few letters rubbed off anyways. I taught myself to type in college with a "typing tutor" CD on my computer. It was self-preservation - I never started papers until the night before they were due, and had to be able to type them up quickly!:-)

I bet you'll be surfing at school soon...I take it this is a required class? Can you challenge it (just take/pass the final test, and get full credit)?

Carol, the cat slave said...

Those computerized typing tutor programs are murder, aren't they? I remember using one once that kept docking me marks because I'd use the wrong hand to hit the shift key. ;-)

Yes, unfortunately this is a required class and there's no getting out of it. Oh, well. C'est la vie!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I can't believe that they do not have an exemption test.

This is basic junk that anyone who has finished high school can do, or if the others had taken the time to keep their job skills current.

I can't believe in this day and age that they have to teach computer 101 from 1988 to people. This is why I do not have a lot of faith in these schools. They recruit bodies, not talent.

At least you will have good marks if you dont fall to the boredom pitt of hell.

Why should you waste time on this when you could be moved on to more stimulating work.

Maybe you should offer to teach the class!