Monday, May 4, 2009

Books? I Haz ‘Em!

Did I mention that the Saint Peter’s Book Sale is a two day event? Yes, I went both days.

Day one I went with the daughter. Between us we spent $45 and had to have help carrying out books to the car. I think the best buy was the set of military history books - twenty volumes for $15.00.

We’re old pros at the sale. We get there early and know exactly where we’re going. First is the individually priced books - there’s always a few treasure to be had there. Next we work our way around the outer edge of the room where the hardbacks are divided into sections. Then last, we go up and down the rows looking at the novels. We were loaded up and headed out again in about half an hour.

Day two I went by myself. The nice thing about day two is that the books are spread out a little more so it’s easier to see what’s what. I spent under twenty dollars and still managed to fill two shopping bags. One of the books I bought for my sister: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computers. This will be perfect for her, and save her a bundle in long distance charges (she’s always phoning me up in the middle of the day with computer questions. Usually it’s telling her something needs to be updated).

I still have a shopping bag of books in my front hall. Why, you ask? Because I’m sorta, kinda, out of room in my office. Seriously. I need another bookcase - ASAP! My “to be read” bookcase is already over flowing and there’s no room left in the case under the window. I think I need a 12 step program to beat my book buying addiction.

Saturday afternoon the daughter and her fiancé went to Home Despot . . . oops! I meant Home Depot to help choose plants for the garden around the pond. The fiancé has much gardening knowledge and I wanted his opinion on some of the plants I wanted.

The husband has been complaining the last couple of years about the way the hostas have kind of taken over the garden, so I moved most of them out and planted a bunch of different, rock garden type plants. Don’t ask me what they’re all called. I saved the little information sticks that came in the pots. The only one I recognized was the hen and chickens.

Other than that, it was a pretty quiet weekend. The husband had a bowling tournament in Oakville on Sunday, and I had an attack of lazy-itis. This is where I have lots of stuff I could be doing, I just don’t feel like doing it.

The daughter requested meatloaf for Sunday dinner, which I never really think of as special enough for Sunday, but it’s not something she’ll ever be making herself. She has a phobia about touching raw meat. I swear, I did not traumatize her with raw meat when she was little! :-)

I also threw off my sleeping schedule again. I’ve been getting to bed a little earlier and then getting up earlier, but I stayed in bed too long Sunday morning and ended up falling back asleep. I think this is what caused my lazy-itis - too much sleep.

Oh, well. I’ve got two more weeks to keep practicing the getting up early thing. Trust me, it’s not as easy as it sounds!


graceunderpressure said...

$4! Including The Children of New Forest. :D Awesome! I have been to New Forest!

Carol, the cat slave said...

Amateur! Four dollars indeed! You must have got there after me so all the good books were taken. :p

graceunderpressure said...

nope.. skinflint.. er, I mean frugal. *nods* I got two Coles notes books, a double Inspector Morse, uh..something else.. and children of new forest.