Monday, May 18, 2009

The Queen's Birthday

Happy Victoria Day!

How was your weekend?

I feel like I spent more time in Wal Mart this weekend than anything else. Friday night we went to see about getting a new patio set. The girl we finally tracked down to help us claimed there were three sets left in the store. After an hour she was still unable to find even one of them. Finally she took our phone number and said they’d call when they found them.

Saturday morning Wal Mart phoned that they’d found two of the sets, so we trekked on over. An hour and a half (and five sales people) later they managed to find one of the sets and we ended up having to make two trips to get it all home.

Then Sunday I took the daughter and her fiancé to Oshawa to have their pictures taken (it was part of their wedding package). We had to be there early, especially for a Sunday morning. So early, in fact, that after dropping them off I drove around for awhile looking for something that was open. I ended up at Wal Mart where I cooled my heels for an hour or so.

I felt like I had a pretty productive day on Saturday, despite having to hang around Wal Mart. I bought my new bookcase Friday night, and Saturday morning, with the help of the cats, put it together. It needs a couple more shelves, and I’m still not sure I like where it is, so I’m sitting here “thinking” about it as I type.

I have two tall bookcases and a shorter one lining the west wall of my office. Underneath the wide, north facing window is a long bookcase (it pretty much goes from one side of the room to the other). Then on the east wall I have my new bookcase, which is the same size as the two tall ones opposite it.

Although size-wise it would look better to have the three tall ones together, there’s just a shade difference in colour. Apparently, they don’t sell the darker woodgrain any more. It’s not a big difference in colour, but it is a noticeable difference.

*sigh* Decisions, decisions.

I must say the long bookcase under the window is looking good though. I took everything off it, de-haired the books and cleaned off the shelves, then alphabetized the books as I put them back. I just wonder how long it’s going to stay looking that good.

Today I'd like to finish getting my office cleaned up and maybe even get some writing done. But first, I need to take something for the headache I woke up with.

I refuse to let the pain in my head ruin my day!


graceunderpressure said...

HOW did you de-hair the books? Did you invite Mrs. Conehead over? :D

Can we have lunch at your house this week so I can see the patio furniture? [subtle like an anvil]

Unknown said...

Please, do not ask about my long weekend...what a waste. I was sicker than a dog....grrrrr