Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Movies and Nature

First of all I have to say I love the Cineplex. Multiple movies with different start times - what a great idea! I'd already arranged to so see an early showing Wolverine with a friend, and then as my Mother's Day present, the daughter took me to see the new Star Trek movie. Excellent movies, both of them.

Wolverine answered many questions about Logan, including where he came from and how he got his name. I know rabid X-men comic fans had a few problems with the story-line but they need to get over it. It's still a great movie.

Of course I can sympathize a little more with the X-men comic fans after seeing Star Trek. I'm a big time Trekkie, and although I loved the movie there were a couple of inconsistancies that bugged me. The casting of Kirk and Spock was perfect. And they took us right to the action, instead of dwelling on Kirk's years in the Starfleet Academy.

I'd definitely see both of them again!

* * * * * * * * * *

I was sitting in my office yesterday, merrily typing away (okay, so I was chatting with my bff online) and all of a sudden BANG! Right into the window.

It startled Taz who was sleeping on the bookcase below the window, but it totally freaked out two of the other cats who were across the hall in the spare bedroom. They went tearing down the hall like furry little bats out of hell and then immediately started washing themselves to pretend they hadn’t been scared witless.

And what was it that scared them so badly?

This little guy:

He’s a Gray Catbird. How appropriate is that?


Unknown said...

Did it live...

Carol, the cat slave said...

Yes, it did! It was actually sitting on the roof of the house when I went to check on it later.