Thursday, March 12, 2009


My application form to the government to receive funding to go back to school is finished and I handed it in to my counselor this morning. Insert big sigh of relief here. OMG what a pain in the ass it was to fill out! Twenty-two pages, not counting the researching of six possible jobs and three different schools.

I want to thank Amanda for coming over and untangling me from all that red tape I was caught up in. I couldn’t have done it without her! Well, I probably could have. But it wouldn’t have been as good and it would have taken a lot longer. Even so, there were a couple of things the counselor had me change when we went over it together this morning. Now she just has to do her part and then it can be sent away for approval (knock wood).

And just to reinforce my superstitious nature, this was my horoscope from the Toronto Star today: You are entitled to seize an opportunity that is just around the corner. Your prospects for success are great. And this one is the daily horoscope I have delivered to my inbox: Are you ready? Are you in shape for what is going to happen? The celestial aspects are heralding a new cycle that will be filled to the brim with activities, new people and new professional perspectives.

Now it’s out of my hands and relax. Maybe even read a book, which is handy because my BFF dropped off a bag of books for me yesterday. And when I say bag, I mean like fifty pounds of books.

Okay, maybe not fifty pounds, but I bet there’s more than fify books in that bag.

I’ll let you know . . . later. :-)

1 comment:

Jewel Allen said...

Good luck!! How exciting for you.