Monday, November 17, 2008

Nano Is Stealing My Soul

I’m starting to lose interest in the games I normally play, I’m only checking my e-mail a couple of times a day, I log in to Absolute Write and briefly skim through my favorite threads - sometimes I don’t log in at all unless I see a post I want to reply to.

I don’t even turn on my MSN any more; Facebook? What’s that? Last week I went five days without even stepping out of the house and I’m proud of it. I can’t remember the last time I picked up a book to read.

Then there’s this really weird thing I’ve been feeling lately in regards to my writing. A feeling of *dare I say it* optimism. I’m starting to believe I might actually finish Nano this year. Not only is the writing going well, the story has a nice arc to it. This one might even be the one that sells.


Anonymous said...

Keep on Typing....

Jewel Allen said...

Good for you! That's wonderful, to wean yourself of all these distractions. Kind of cleansing for the system, eh??

Keep up the good work :-)

graceunderpressure said...

you are making some serious headway, Girlfriend! Woot Woot!

I am going to break 10,000 tonight. It's coming to me in chunks; you know what I mean..