Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Humbug Hump Day

You want a happy little airy fairy post? Go elsewhere. You won’t get it here.

It’s a bright sunny day out there today and normally this would put me in a good mood, but not today, thank you.

First of all, I appear to have an allergic reaction to the laundry detergent we’re using. My clothes are making me itch. It’s been going on for a while now, it just took me this long to clue in. This is not a problem that’s easily solved either. You try finding an unscented laundry detergent on a limited budget.

My husband does not appear to support my desire to become a hermit. He coerced me into going to the movies last night (not with him, with a friend I used to go to cheap night at the movies with last year while our husbands bowled). And what movie did I see? Madagascar II. I'm still not sure why it was called Madagascar, it took place in New York and mostly in Africa.

There’s two things I need to say right here. I don’t like small children and I don’t like most kid’s movies. Disney movies are the exception (at least the properly animated Disney movies). I really, REALLY hate computer generated animation. As big a Star Wars fan as I am, I boycotted the last movie because it was computer generated. Yuck! Phooey!

Okay, I digress. I must admit that the movie itself wasn’t bad. Despite the computer animation, it was kinda cute and even humorous in places (although my friend said it wasn’t nearly as good as the first one). However, the kids versus adults ratio was unacceptable. As was the fact that the majority of these mothers had not bothered to teach their little urchins how to behave in a theatre. Some of the mothers were even worse than the kids. Has no one mastered the fine art of lowering one’s voice these days?

I have another friend I sometimes go to the movies with who I wish would lower her voice sometimes when she has to speak during the film, however she usually goes to the movies with her legally blind husband who also has a bit of a hearing problem and she's used to making a running commentary telling him what's going on. I can make allowances for her. The blonde woman in front of me with the three kids who had attention spans of gnats? Not so much.

And now my sun has disappeared so I can be justifiably cranky again.

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