Monday, November 24, 2008

'Tis The Season

I think the highlight of my Christmas shopping expedition yesterday was when the woman at the aromatherapy stand in the mall tried to shove a sample under my nose to try. When I explained to her that I have a scent allergy she responded with: “We also have non-scented products for you to try.” WTF?

The rest of the day was a blur of crowds of people, many stores, making a list and checking it twice . . . and Toys ‘R Us. I have four great-nephews, one great-niece and one nephew all under the age of 10. It doesn’t help that I’ve never even met 3 of them. This time of year, Toys ‘R Us is a godsend. The end result is that the kids are all bought for and after all, that’s what Christmas is all about. The kids.

The mall we went to just happened to have a Chapters in it, which I might have been able to avoid if my husband hadn’t wanted to look at some CDs there. I’m to Chapters like a kid is to Toys ‘R Us. My restraint came from just not looking too hard. One of my dreams is to go to Chapters with a shopping cart and just load ‘er up. As it was I came away with a couple of books which I think will end up being a Christmas present to me from the cats . . .

Nice, the way that works out.

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

wait.. but you have 5 cats! how many books did you buy?? :D