Thursday, November 6, 2008

Buckle Me Up, Buckle Me Down

The first year I participated in NaNoWriMo I ran out of story before I ran out of words and finished with a measly 33,000 words. The novel seemed complete to me. I’m still editing it. I think I signed up a couple of other years as well, but I only remember the last time when my word count was a whopping 2,000 words. I am determined to finish Nano this year.

You’d think being unemployed would mean I can sit here all day writing, but unfortunately that’s not the way it works.

Here’s how my day has gone so far.

I slept in until 10 a.m. because I was up until 3 a.m. writing. This was my own fault for piddling my day away and then allowing myself to be distracted in the evening. I was 400 words ahead of the game when I started yesterday, and finished with 100 short of my daily goal. Which means, my friends, I slacked off to the tune of 500 words. Let’s not let this happen again.

Got up and did the normal things (showered, dressed, had breakfast) and then phoned the daughter to talk for awhile. Checked my emails. Checked my horoscopes (yes, more than one). Read the updates to the blogs I have listed in my favorites.

It’s noon now, time for the virus scan to start. Too early for lunch, considering I only finished breakfast 1 ½ hours ago. Maybe I should run a couple of errands . . .

The dentist had just received a cheque from hubby for the bill so I made the trip downtown for nothing. It was such a nice day out though that I didn’t want to go back home right away. So I went to the mall. And I bought a book. And I tried on some clothes (the pants were too small, and the jacket was too big). And then I decided to treat myself to some Chinese take-out for lunch (noodles and mixed veggies, yum!). On the way home I wished I’d taken one of those little plastic forks so I could have eaten my lunch in the park or something. It's beautiful out thre today.

And now it’s almost 3 p.m. and the only writing I’ve got done is blog updates.

Time to buckle down!

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...