Monday, August 10, 2009

Muggy Monday

Yes, we're into those hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer.

Have I mentioned how much I’m enjoying Access? It’s like the mother ship is calling me home. If I could find a job where all I did was Access all day I’d be a happy camper indeed.

What does not make me a happy camper is that snarky biatch beside me who keeps stealing my thunder. There’s a handful of us, including her, who are way ahead in the textbook. Miss Snark works on her resume or cover letters or whatever while I diligently plough ahead with Access and then after I get a section done she hurries to catch up. I’ve solved any problems or confusion and she gets me to help her through any rough patches. THEN she’ll turn around and “help” some of the others who are close to where we are because she’s “figured it all out”.

Yes, I know it’s petty but it still makes me angry. Grr! And I can’t not help her if she asks because then I’m not a “team player”. And I’d offer to help the others myself but they don’t know me as well as they do Miss Snark and she’s established herself as the “expert”.

This morning I was dragging my butt a bit so I had a choice between breakfast or a shower and I think I chose wisely choosing the shower. :-) However, that meant by mid-morning I was starving so I took a short break and went upstairs to get a green tea and a muffin. I don’t know what kind of green tea that little coffee shop uses, but it was excellent!

Anyway, on my back downstairs the school secretary stopped me and asked if I had a mug. We’re not supposed to use take-out cups in the class room so I shame-facedly told her I didn’t have my mug with me today but I had the instructor’s permission to use the take-out cup, and the secretary hands me a brand new travel mug with the name of the school on it. It’s a really nice mug too!

It’s a nice metallic blue, and it has a screw on top rather than a snap on top. Also, the part you drink from has a flip top that snaps open. And the best part is, it has a hard plastic liner instead of a soft plastic one (like the Timmy’s cups). This makes it a better choice for tea, which is a good thing because I’ve had to give up my black nectar from hell (coffee).

To be honest, I’ve always been a bigger tea fan than coffee anyway, I just loved that caffeine jolt in the morning (even when it didn’t love me back). The beauty of tea, however, is that there’s so many different kinds and blends. I can’t drink flavoured coffees, they give me terrible heartburn. But tea, that’s a different story. Right now I’m enjoying a large mug of Grapefruit Oolong. Thank you, Jamie! :-)


graceunderpressure said...

Nice mug - I also have a metallic blue mug, press on lid, with twist open drink area. The liner is metal though, and the base is too wide for the car. I should really just leave it at work, but I can't part with my shiny mug. :D

Try the cranberry pomegranate tea at Country style.

Carol, the cat slave said...

Cranberry pomegranate, eh? I'll have to give that a try. Thanks, Nance!