Monday, August 3, 2009

Don’t Mess With My Holiday!

When did the Civic Holiday become Simcoe Day?

I was doing some errands this morning and the guy on the car radio said something about this being Simcoe Day. . . say what? When did this happen? Did I not get the memo? Was there some big announcement about it that I missed?

Why is it necessary to re-name holidays, and whose decision is it to do so?

I still remember the first time I went to an assembly at my daughter’s school (she was in kindergarten), and how I wasn’t the only parent whose voice trailed off during the national anthem when we realized they’d changed the lyrics. Shouldn’t we have received some kind of notification about this?

Okay, enough of the ranting. As threatened promised, here’s Dudley Do Right, of the Royal Canadian Mounties:


Unknown said... did miss the memo on that one...It has been called Simcoe in Ontario for a few years now..he he

Ciara said...

Simcoe Day in most of Ontario, but not in Cobourg. In Cobourg it's JAMES COCKBURN DAY.


Carol, the cat slave said...

Well, my calendar says it's the Civic Holiday, so the Civic Holiday it remains! :-)