Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Catch-up Day

I've been catching up on all kinds of things today.

First I caught up on my second assignment at school, going over it several times to make sure every nitpicky little detail was perfect. Then I did my independent project for Access (I created a database to keep track of where my poetry was going). Originally I was going to use both my fiction writing and my poetry in the database, but to be honest, I haven't submitted any fiction in ten years! What have I been doing?

Anyway, I got my database with its table of no less than 10 records done, and I included the five queries, a form, and a report with it. My form looks really spiffy if I do say so myself. I'd like to have played around with it some more, but there wasn't much else I could do with it without adding more records (I stopped at 13).

I'm ashamed to admit that many, many trees gave up their lives for this database. The instructor wanted specific things printed and every time I'd change something I'd have two or three things to print out again.

Any volunteers to do my shredding for me? I have a big box of paper that needs to be shredded before the recycling people will take it.

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When I got home from school I got caught up on some more mundane things: cleaned the kitty litter, called VISA to activate my latest card, called Mastercard to find out why the insurance that was supposed to be making my payments wasn't . . .

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I'm trying very hard to not have a nap today. Panda likes to curl up on the easy chair with me after lunch and have an afternoon nap, only her capacity for napping is much larger than mine. I think she thinks I'm just a strange looking cat.

Speaking of Panda, I had to stop at the vet's office on my way home from school yesterday to pick up some more kitty treats. I was dangerously low on treats and Panda is much easier to give a pill to if she sees the treat bag she gets her reward from.

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Something else I caught up with today . . . I went through the clothes in my closet to try and weed some out. I must admit I didn't get rid of as many as I'd have liked. And I haven't gone through the clothes in my dresser yet.


Guess I'd better go do that now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hve been in the "pitching" mood as well. I finally got to my linen closet and 6 blue bags later it looks really good. Wished I had got rid of all the old crap a while ago. (I was a good girl..I dontated the fabric to a Not-for-profit that makes rags for profit.