Sunday, September 28, 2008

Field Trip

Today my BFF and I made a pilgrimage to Toronto for Word on the Street, the annual literary Festival that takes over Queen’s Park. Imagine, if you will, a line of tents stretching into infinity that hold representatives from magazines and publishing houses, self published authors, writer’s organizations, discount books and magazines . . . you might come close. For a better idea of what went on, go HERE

We parked at the Yorkdale shopping centre and took the TTC in, probably the easiest time I’ve ever had getting to an event in Toronto although it did involve a lot of walking and stair climbing before we even got to Queen’s Park.

The weather forecast was for cool and overcast weather with the chance of a drizzle. The weatherman lied! It was sunny and hot hot hot! After meandering up and down the displays for almost three hours with the sun beating down on us, I started to feel a bit light headed. Could this be because I didn’t think to bring any water with me? The sun has never been my friend. So while my BFF stood in line for fresh squeezed lemonaide, I sat in the shade trying not to puke.

After about ½ an hour we felt up to continuing. Lunch was a slushy for me and an ice cream for BFF. We were on the home stretch. Just a few more booths to go and we were done. Our butts were truly dragging by the time we got back to Yorkdale.

On the way home we decided we felt up to solid food now, so we stopped in Oshawa on the way back for some New York Fries. Oh, my! Did I park in front of Chapters? What a shame. Now we have to pass more books on our way in and out from the mall. I still had money left over from my day and treated myself to the latest Lynsay Sands vampire book. How apropos - I’m about halfway through re-reading her vampire series.

The perfect ending to a perfect day.

If you want to see the loot list from Word on the Street, you’ll have to check out my writing blog.

Things to remember for next year:
wear something cooler and bring a jacket if I have to
go directly to the Harlequin tent before all the good books are gone
and there was something else . . .
oh, yeah, water


graceunderpressure said...

tl-dr.. just kidding! Here - *passes Carol the water bottle* try not to backwash please..:D

Unknown said...

Great Day! (except for the BBF scare)...Next year will go packed for war!