Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Truth North

Canada . . . where else can you go from sleeping with the fan on to keep you cool, to needing a blanket on the bed to keep you warm in less than a week?

Don't get me wrong. I really like the weather we've been having. It's bright and sunny with just a hint of cool in the air. When the sun sets it takes the warmth with it. But everything's still fresh and green outside. If I could freeze a moment in time, this would be it.

This is also the time of year for the new season to start on TV. Since my cable company took away the WB network (it got moved to a higher package that I just can't afford) I've had to look for my old favorites elsewhere.

Space channel has really come through for me though. It's running Lost from the beginning, and one of my favorite Start Trek series, Deep Space Nine. The thing I like about Space is that they run the same episode twice a day so there's no excuse for missing it.

One of the new shows I watched was the Fringe. Very interesting. It's like the X-Files meets Psi Factor meets Outer Limits. I hope it lasts. Last season ticked me off because every time I got interested in a new show it would disappear. Like Primeval and Surface.

One show I was happy to see return was Torchwood. Captain Jack - yum! Captain Jack making out with James Marsters - double yum!

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