Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Eek!

No, I didn't find a mouse in the box of writing notes, I found something much, much more frightening. My first novel.

This epic dates back to high school, at least the start of it does. I was a hard core science fiction fan back then so natural my first novel was science fiction. Did I mention I didn't really care for science back in high school?

This was written in the days before computers. Back in the stone age when we used typewriters. Manual typewriters. But that was only for the final drafts. Ninety per cent of this epic is written in long hand.

Let's start with the bad. My heroine's name changed three different times, sometimes within the same draft. The leader's name changed five times, and went from being a man to a woman. Oh, and here's the best part. The women were divided into two social classes: beautiful but stupid, and smart but not so pretty. *hangs head in shame*

Can this book be helped? Well, that's the good news. Maybe it can. There's some good ideas in there, and obviously I'd meant it to turn into a trilogy because there's some good scenes written out that have nothing to do with the original. I like the commander of the space ship, and the two heroes.

So back into the closet it goes. I've got enough fish to fry right now. But I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the Valkyrie and "the Temple of the Stars".

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