Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Point of Power

Yesterday in school we started off with a quiz (that I forgot to study for but I think I did okay on) and then moved on to Power Point. We’re going to have two whole weeks of Power Point later on in the course, but she wanted to familiarize us with it now.

Power Point is fun! I did a four slide show and then a six slide show. It’s just as well that I don’t have it at home, otherwise I’d have spent the whole night creating slide shows.

After school I had to rush home and take Panda to the vet. She’s been losing weight for a few months now, but we didn’t think anything of it because we’ve switched the cats to a diet control cat food. Only now she’s really losing weight, and she’s been pretty lethargic. We’re having trouble getting her to eat too, she won’t even touch her treats.

$180 later the vet couldn’t find anything wrong, but he took some blood to do some testing. I just got a call a little while ago that they want to see her back today. This does not bode well.

Not much else to say, other than if we don’t get some sunshine soon there’s going to be serious consequences. I don’t know how much more of this grey weather I can handle. And what’s with the cold front? This is June, for crying out loud. I want to open my windows without freezing to death!

I don’t know where my instructor lives, but she was saying they had frost Sunday night. Frost! For the first day in June!

As a related side note, I watched The Day After Tomorrow on the weekend (even though I have a copy on DVD) and I caught something interesting I hadn’t caught before. They were talking about global warming . . . I, like most people, assumed that global warming is causing the earth to warm up. However, that’s not the way it works. Global warming is causing the polar caps to melt, true, but this in turn is causing our over all temperature to go down, not up.

And on that happy note, I’m going to go make myself something hot to drink to try and warm up a bit.


graceunderpressure said...

Hope Pandaloons is alright..

Jewel Allen said...

Brr. Frost still?? We got a lot of rain last night, and it still hasn't warmed up dramatically.

But I don't mind hot weather getting stalled some.

I hope your kitty turns out alright.

Jamie D. said...

Sending my good wishes to your kitty as well - poor thing. I hope you get a definitive diagnosis soon...

Carol, the cat slave said...

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Keep the good thoughts flowing this way!