Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Monday

Even when I was working full time I often looked forward to Mondays. Why? Because the weekends are crammed with so much busy-ness and noise and having to be sociable that I'd look forward to work to have a break from the chaos. Of course work became a different kind of chaos, so in the end it didn't really help, but for a while it worked.

This weekend wasn't too chaotic but I made up for it by having a tenacious headache(which I still have) and a few digestive issues. My doctor's answer to my digestive issues is to send me to a specialist, whose office still hasn't called to give me an appointment. When I mentioned it to her she said: "Well, you know these surgeons, if you don't need anything cut out of you then they're not in a hurry."

This is the same doctor whose office I called in January to make the daughter an appointment and was given a date in April. Unfortunately, the date in question turned out to be the one day she couldn't go. When she called to change it she was told the next available appointment is June. JUNE! For crying out loud! I'm telling you, the health care in this town is crap!

Spent a lot of time working on the daughter's afghan this weekend. She'd like to see it on her bed while it's still cold enough to need it. We'll see how it goes. I've got it about a third of the way done - still need to do about 100 white squares and a lot of the sewing. But it gives me something to do in front of the television when I want to pay attention to what's on, but I don't want to just sit here doing nothing.

It's funny. I'm the first one to admit that I waste a lot of time, but I never waste it doing nothing. I have my T.V. crafts (crafts I do in front of the T.V. like crocheting, knitting, needlework) or I'll read a book or I'll have my lap top open. But I really hate doing nothing at all, especially in front of the television.

Hey, I never claimed to be sane.

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