Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Red Tape

Well folks, this is my second official day of unemployment.

I never did finish reading Moby Dick and to be honest I have no great urge to finish it. Ishmael tends to run on a bit. Pages of descriptions of whales. Pages of descriptions of pictures of whales. Pages of description of how to remove the blubber from a whale. Do you get my drift? And they haven't even run into Moby Dick yet!

Yesterday I went down to the government run employment agency to see what my options were. Going back to school on the government's dollar is not as easy as it used to be. I have to keep a job hunt diary to prove I don't have the skills needed to get a proper office job. Then I spend the month of July in the Job Finders Club and after that I can explore the options for going back to school.

When I got home I applied for unemployment on-line. The most depressing part of that came at the end of the process where the program finds jobs for you. Apparently I qualify for 9 jobs in my area. All in call centres.

I'm trying not to think about it.

Now I'm bored.

Yeah, there's all kinds of things I could be doing, but I decided to give myself until the weekend to wallow in self-pity and doing something constructive is not wallowing. But wallowing gets kinda boring after a while so I just might have to break down and clean something.


Anonymous said...

Dumb Question here...You were on stress leave because of a call center...Da, why would the govnt even consider that a "Job" in your area...I'm I the dumb one here? Really makes you wonder about stuff...

Anonymous said...

Dumb Question here...You were on stress leave because of a call center...Da, why would the govnt even consider that a "Job" in your area...I'm I the dumb one here? Really makes you wonder about stuff...