Monday, June 9, 2008

Yogurt Etiquette

Let's talk about yogurt for a minute, shall we?

I have never been a fan of yogurt. Let's face it, the name alone is off-putting. Who wants to eat something with a name that sounds like you're throwing it back up?

However, one day when I was having a problem with my stomach, I tried a yogurt from MacDonalds. Lo and behold, it eased the fire in my belly.

So then I bought a tub of vanilla yogurt, intending to make smoothies with it, and it sat in my fridge until well after the expiry date had past and I ended up throwing it out.

Maybe I should start smaller. I ended up buying an 8 pack of the only yogurt brand that had any appeal to me, and I'm happy to announce that I didn't waste any of them. Any time my stomach was burning, I had a yogurt to soothe it.

Unfortunately, in the process I have learned that one must savour their yogurt. It is not to be eaten quickly. Taking too big a spoonful brings on the gag reflex. Listen, I'm lucky I can choke it down at all.

This week my regular grocery store only had peach and prune yogurt available. Peach I like, but prune? Eating yogurt is bad enough, but prune yogurt? You've got to be kidding!

I bought elsewhere, where they had more civilized flavours. Just as two wrongs don't make a right, two Ewws! don't make a yummy.

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