Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pot Luck

You know, the reason I haven't been posting more than twice a week is not because I don't have anything to say, it's just that it's not as convenient to say it when I'm in the living room and my lap top is in the office. Don't forget I get distracted easily too. So the perfect post I think up on Monday, say, doesn't quite fit on the Tuesday or Wednesday when I get around to sitting down to post it. Maybe I should start carrying a note book to start jotting post ideas down when I get them.

Take last night, for instance. I was at a pot luck and I'd intended to post all about it when I got home. Unfortunately, I got home about 10:30, sat down, and was asleep in my recliner before Dr. Who came on (11 p.m.) Too much fresh air I guess.

A few of us girls from work (the terminatees plus a few non-terminatees) decided a good way to keep in touch (besides Facebook, e-mail and the good, old fashioned telephone) would be to have a monthly pot luck. It's an excellent idea.

The first pot luck was held in a house on Rice Lake (they call it a cottage but it's large and they live there year round). Half the fun was getting there. Armed with a map and two passengers who also didn't know where we were going, we drove to Roseneath, took a left and wound our way through a maze worthy of Daedalus. We ate, drank and were very merry (liquor tends to do that).

I can understand why this terminatee wants to work from home. If I lived in this beautiful spot, I'd even have my groceries delivered so I'd never have to leave.

My "dream house" used to be a log and stone house (with a wood burning fireplace of course) surrounded by the woods . . . It's now been expanded to include "beside a quiet lake".

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