Saturday, March 8, 2008

S’No Fair!

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a rant, so here you go.

Could someone please explain to me why we had a green Christmas, and yet it appears to have done nothing but snow since then? It’s been snowing for two days straight now, and it’s not supposed to stop until sometime tomorrow. It’s starting to remind me of that Little House on the Prairie book The Long Winter.

My shiny new stove is wonderful, but the first time I used the oven it gave off enough fumes to choke a horse. The new dishwasher led to the discovery that we needed some plumbing work done under the kitchen sink. We need new taps for the washing machine to be hooked up to, so our washer and dryer aren’t hooked up yet. But my fridge holds a pizza box with no problem.

I got an e-mail from one of my sisters this week which made it sound like the time I booked off in April to do a “sisterly bonding” thing was the wrong week. Grr! However, I spoke to my other sister today who said no, I booked off the correct week. You can see how well we communicate.

I’ve been wanting a new bookcase in my office for some time now. One that would go up to the window ledge and span the entire length - more space for the cats to lounge on, more space for books. Yesterday I got the planks (yes, planks! They’re 96 inches long) and today we got the doweling to go between the shelves. All I can say is, at the price we paid for the doweling this better work.

Speaking of work . . . they’re getting serious about moving the chat to Manilla. I’ve been fighting to stay off the phone, but the HR woman claims I no longer have an accommodation. I have to get a new form filled out by my doctor, and until it’s done they can insist I go on the phone. The worst part is, the new form will most likely only give me a stay of execution. Once the chat is moved to Manilla (which I expect to be the beginning of April when the quarterly shift bid is closed) they can lay me off. I’m getting too old for this.

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