Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oh, the Humanity!

Normally I don't watch American Idol, mainly 'cause half the fun is making comments about the singing and the cats aren't much for conversation.

Anyway, I wasn't feeling well tonight, and it was pretty much the only thing on, so I watched it. They were having a Beatles theme night, which meant they were all singing Beatles songs.

A couple of them were pretty good - the 17 year old, and the guy with the dreds. However, what was up with the ones who turned the Beatles into Country and Western??? And the chick who sang Yesterday? The liberties she took with that song were just wrong. And worse were the judges who actually liked it. I don't care if she took the song and made it her own, it's not her song. Leave it alone!

So, no more American Idol for me. I'll stick to the Space Channel from now on.

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