Friday, January 2, 2009

First Post of the New Year

Don’t ask me why, but this feels like Monday, not Friday.

You notice there are no New Year’s Resolutions any where on this blog. That’s because I don’t believe in making them. At least, not for myself. Why set myself up for a fall? 2008 was something of a craptacular year, I’m not sorry to see it gone. Here’s to hoping 2009 will be better.

I’ve been pretty quiet on the net this last couple of weeks - between all the holidays, moving the daughter, her fiancé, and their two cats home, and the cold medication I’m on, I haven’t had the energy for much of anything.

I found something really cool this morning that I just have to share. It’s a time-lapse video highlighting the sky in motion. Not only does it show the sun, moon and stars, but it also features satellites and meteors, as well as clouds moving along the horizon.

túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo.


graceunderpressure said...

are ya feeling better yet? Do you need chicken soup? [very very mild chicken soup?]

I tried to call you last night, but you was on the phone already. There are some extra books coming back to you.. birthday-ish! <3

graceunderpressure said...

btw, this is where my brother Pete is working. Go to Education tab. Nathan Barton school. :D