Friday, January 16, 2009


The new year brought a rash of people changing the appearance of their blogs. What’s up with that? Some of them have been changed so drastically I have to keep reminding myself who they are and why I’ve got them book-marked. It’s a little disconcerting to click on a blog and be taken to what looks like a whole other site.

Someone else might be tempted to make this post all about how change is a part of life and we all need to change, blah blah blah blah blah. But not me. I’m more a fan of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

I can understand wanting to reinvent yourself and change things, but I find it interesting that so many people waited for the new year to do this.

I’m a lurker extraordinaire. I have a whole list of blogs I read faithfully, but most of these bloggers don’t even know I exist. Why? Because, like most people, I don’t leave a comment.

Sometimes I just have nothing to say, sometimes I just don’t feel comfortable making a comment. Most of the time, I'm feeling either too shy or I read the other comments for the post and feel like I’m intruding, that these people are all good friends and I’m just butting in. Truth of the matter is, these people probably only know each other through their shared interest in that particular blog.

I wonder how many people out there read this blog and don’t leave a comment? Don’t be shy, I don’t bite. Honest! :-)

For my change this year I’d like to start commenting more on blogs I really enjoy but for one reason or another haven’t been commenting on.

Just because I can, I’m going to finish with David Bowie singing Changes. Not only is the song appropriate, but the singer is as well. Bowie was famous for reinventing himself. Just witness the difference between the first version, in his Ziggy Stardust days, and the second, a more mature Bowie.

The man is like a fine wine, he just keeps getting better with age.

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