Thursday, January 22, 2009


Any Lost fans out there?


*cue sound of crickets chirping*

What’s wrong with you people? Lost is a great show. Sure, it requires patience - a lot of patience sometimes when the television powers that be fart around with the sequence of the episodes like they did in season two (where they showed a new episode, then a couple of repeats, new episode, repeat, and so on)- but that doesn’t lessen the inherent greatness of it.

I was in Lost heaven last night. Space has been running the series at 7 p.m. weeknights and timed it so that the last episode of season four showed last night. Then, before the season premier (on a different channel) there was a one-hour re-cap show that explained the people and pertinent plot points. Then I got two solid hours of brand new Lost.

Yippee skippy! It was so worth the wait! A lot of questions were answered, and, of course, a few were created, the most important being how are the Oceanic Six going to get back to the island now that it’s disappeared. I’d also like to know what’s going to happen once they do return. The journey shouldn’t take more than a season and there’s two seasons before the show reaches its resolution.

To be honest, I’m just glad there’s finally something on television that justifies the monthly cable bill. I have Lost, Battlestar Galactica, and Fringe. And the daughter is doing her best to get me addicted to NCIS. So far I’ve been resisting.

So far . . .


Unknown said...

Sorry, I kinda "LOST" the taste a couple of seasons ago...I thought about watching, but it was too much effort...

Leon1234 said...

I love Lost! It's such a great show. I need to watch the 5th season, sometime..

Carol, the cat slave said...

Fish, the problem was you moved so we couldn't have our "LOST" nights anymore. That was half the fun of watching.

Leon, season 5 is already starting to air, you don't want to miss it the island has some really cool stuff going on!

Unknown said...

Ok, I watched it...I'm still "LOST"...