Wednesday, January 21, 2009

S’no Way!

I have to admit, yesterday was very pretty. Amazing what a 24 hour, steady snowfall will do for a dreary winter landscape, especially when the sun shines on it.

Sunday it was supposed to be cloudy, but clear and we had wind driven snow off and on all day. Monday was supposed to be light flurries and we accumulated a good eight inches in a slow, steady fall. Today, and the rest of the week, we’re supposed to get light flurries. It will be interesting to see just how much more snow we accumulate over the next few days.

It makes me feel nostalgic. I remember when I was a kid (you know, a couple of years ago) and we used to get crap loads of snow every winter. People today talk about how bad winters are, but really, they have either no idea or no memory.

Speaking of nostalgia, I was driving the daughter home from work yesterday and heard a song on the radio that brought back lots of memories.

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