Saturday, April 26, 2008


I've said it before but it bears repeating: the promises we make to ourselves are the easiest ones to break.

I can remember a couple of years ago I took a vacation in the Spring and I finished the first draft of a short novel. I promised myself I'd get craploads of writing done on my vacation, but it hasn't happened. I did take my lap top to Hamilton with me, but I never cracked it open.

Yesterday I managed to write a bit, and then today I wrote rather a lot (which is why I don't feel guilty updating my blog).

The first person version of DIF is going well, however I'm losing vast amounts of text. Because it's all from my main character's point of view, the story jumped from the prologue to the third chapter. Argh! It's going to be interesting to see if I can work that info back in or not. Most of it is important to the story.

I know this sounds like I'm just procrastinating in new and different ways, however, even if the first person versions don't work out, I think this exercise will help me with the third person version. I've been paying more attention when I've been reading third person, and the in last couple of books the writing was amazing. Even though it was clearly third person it was easy to get into the characters' heads. Maybe that's what this story is really missing.

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