Monday, October 26, 2009

Misaligned Monday

I have a very good reason for not updating last week. My internet and/or computer was having problems. I can get blogs up this week, and my gmail and sometimes my hotmail, but not if there's a lot of graphics in the email and I still can't get my ISP e-mail up.

If it's my internet service provider, the problem will eventually sort itself out. If it's a virus in my computer . . . then there's not much I can do about it. I can't afford to have it looked at right now so I'll just have to limp along.

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I was going to say last week wasn't too exciting, but that's not exactly true. I had poetry group on Tuesday, which is always enjoyable. And I got lots of writing done, although as usually the writing started to fall off towards the end of the week.

Got my assignments for school in on time and got very good marks on them both. I also had an exam on Friday and got 95% on it, which is very good considering I didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

Saturday my sister from New Brunswick stopped by with her husband for an overnight visit and we had a small birthday party for the daughter. Much fun and eating was had by all. :-)

Sunday a friend and I went to the big city of Belleville to the Michael's craft store. I love all the stuff in that store, but I don't love the prices. Then we went across the street to Chapters where I bought myself a new journal and, of course, had Starbucks.

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Panda is slowly gaining weight again. She's up to 6 pounds 3 ounces. The weight gain is much slower than before because the canned food doesn't pack on the weight the way that the dry food does. She's also turned into a bit of a lap cat. If I'm sitting in my recliner, she has to be on my lap. Otherwise I have to make her a cave with a blanket on either my chair or the husband's chair (the couch won't do).

When I have my lap top on my lap, she has to be content with just snuggling up to my legs. Sometimes, however, Dante beats her to the foot of my chair and she's forced to wash his head vigorously in a bid to get him to move. It doesn't always work (he's his mother's son when it comes to stubbornness) and they end up curled up together, half draped over my legs.

And that about brings you up to date. :-)

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