Monday, October 5, 2009

Meh, It's Monday

You know why I didn’t do any posting last week? It was because I had nothing to say.

It was a pretty craptacular week. I’m back on afternoons at school and I’m not liking it much. Make that at all. I feel like I’m forever hurrying to catch up on things and I’m not getting anything accomplished.

To make matters worse, I was really looking forward to PowerPoint but the text book we’re forced to use has sucked all the fun out of it. I’ve already done two of the three assignments and I’ve learned lots of cool stuff, but we don’t really get to use much of it.

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The weather has been pretty craptacular this past week too. Wind and rain and cold and gloomy. I guess it could be worse, my neighbor was telling me they have snow in Calgary where her daughter is.

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Panda seems more like her old self than ever. She’s been leaving Taz alone and he’s feeling more secure (as in he no longer feels the need to slink around the house, freezing in place if he sees her). I’ve been vigilant about giving her at least one of her pills every night, but lately she’s been refusing the treats she gets afterwards. We noticed she doesn’t seem to be eating much either, although she’s still drinking well.

Unfortunately, she’s been losing weight steadily and today at the vet’s she was back down to 6.2 pounds. This means I get to start force feeding her the canned food again. Oh joy, oh bliss.

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There was one bright spot in the last week - I had to drive the kids up to the GO in Oshawa on Saturday, and on the way home I stopped for a visit with the BFF. Visits are always good.

She gave me not one, not two, but three bags of books to take home with me. The first one I pulled out was one I was already reading. D’oh! However, it’s an excellent book so I don’t mind having two copies. :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can never turn down a good book!