Friday, October 16, 2009

Fuzzy Friday

For a week that started off with a holiday Monday, things sure ended up getting away from me!

My body is not liking the adjustment to morning classes again. I've been so tired lately it's not even funny. Yesterday, after school, I did more napping than writing, which means that this morning I was typing like a mad thing to get a report done for school today.

I think it might be time to give vitamin B12 another shot. Or maybe I'll try a complex B vitamin this time - my sister swears by them.

Or maybe I just need to tell myself I have until November 1st to suck it up, 'cause when NaNo starts, sleep will be a thing of the past! :-)

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Panda gained another whole ounce, and other than that her health is as good as we can expect it to be. The vet did a blood test on her that showed her kidneys are only working at about 50% of what they should be and I need to make extra sure she gets her pills twice a day.

After the husband spent $70 on the only canned food from the vet's office she'd touch, she's decided she doesn't like it so much after all. She'll eat it when she absolutely has to, but she lets us know she's not enjoying it much.

What she is enjoying is sleeping in the box of sweaters the husband has in the spare bedroom waiting to be donated. And when I say in the box, I mean in the box. The box is tipped over on its side and she's pulled a few sweaters out so she can burrow inside. She's going to be upset when they go to charity next week.

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School's going okay . . . Managing a Small Business is more interesting than it sounds, or maybe it's the instructor who's more interesting. He really seems to know his stuff, and that makes a big difference.

Because of the mix-up with our text books he cancelled the quiz scheduled for today, and then gave it to us anyway just to prove to us how much we've learned (we did the quiz but the marks didn't count). To my chagrin, I got 100% on the quiz. Go figure.

I have another assignment due on Monday, and yes, that means I will be working on it tomorrow instead of Sunday night. The only thing I don't like about these assignments is that they're opinion pieces, and quite frankly my opinion is the guy who wants to start his own business making ladder rails needs a new job, not his own business.


Unknown said...

It is the exercise that much can you think out of the box....

graceunderpressure said...

ROFL! Ladder rails? wow.. it used to be widgets. Actually in my class I think we used diamonds! :D I'd have liked books better..

Got a plot idea yet? I think I may have inspired a new writer!