Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Post Delay

I had intended to post about vampires today because I’ve been on a vampire kick reading-wise lately. There’s just something about those blood suckers . . .

Anyway *wipes off drool* I just happened to notice the top shelf of the bookcase opposite my desk holds nothing but vampire romances. This is the custom built book case that’s 96 inches wide. That’s a lot of vampires. And that’s not counting the ones that are on the shelves upstairs or included in anthologies in a different bookcase.

I have actually read the original Dracula, and I really have to wonder, how did the vampire go from the horrific creature Bram Stoker created to a romantic icon?

This question intrigues me to the point where I’m actually going to do some research into it. I really want to know how this happened.

So, I’m putting off my post about vampires until later in the month. Maybe it would make a good Halloween post . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hollywood, probably. It's the older man-type who preys on these helpless females.

I used to read Stephen King, and Salem's Lot, with its vampires, was probably my most favorite story.