Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

Today is the day that separates the Canadian from the American bloggers. Yes, I’m talking about Thanksgiving.

The American bloggers post on as ususal, but we Canadians are lucky if we get a word or two in just to let everyone know we survived the weekend. We’re too busy stuck in traffic, stuck in the kitchen, or recuperating from the weekend.

It’s pretty obvious we weren’t the only ones having their big dinner on Sunday, at least judging by the traffic, especially going through Toronto. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it usually is though, and we did make pretty good time to the daughter’s place in London. We were late, but that was because I had to check four different stores on my way out of town before I found the second last can of poultry seasoning in the whole town. This made us late getting away, which made me late getting the turkey in the oven, which made dinner very late . . . you get the idea.

One turkey dinner down, one to go.

We got back from the daughter’s place 1:30 a.m. and I’m in the process of getting ready to go to my inlaws for dinner. This is not made easier by the fact that I left my uber expensive, sacred potato peeler in London.

I really hope Walmart is open.

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