Saturday, October 11, 2008


Decisions, decisions. Should I or shouldn’t I sign up for NaNo this year?

What is NaNo, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s the National Novel Writing Month and it takes place in November. You sign up for it HERE . The idea is to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. You can do all your research and outlining before hand, but no actual writing until November 1.

You don’t have to write well, in fact it works better if you just start at the beginning and don’t look back. There’s no prize, other than your completed manuscript which you are then free to polish and sell.

So why do it? Well, because it’s fun! And people from all over the world participate. And you can check in on the website and see who else from your area is participating and make new friends.

My only problem is, when I already have three works in progress, do I really need to add another one? Call me crazy, but I’m thinking about it.


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