Sunday, October 14, 2007


Okay, I've officially lost my mind. I have signed up for both the 70 Days of Sweat and the Nanowrimo.

The 70 Days of Sweat begins October 15 and runs until January 15. The extra few days is to give us a break over the holidays. I'm going to attempt to finish my 3 current works in progress for the necessary sweating wordage. If you, too, would like to sweat, click HERE.

The National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) begins on November 1 and ends November 30. I will be starting a new piece for this challenge. If you would like a more difficult challenge, you can sign up HERE.

And no, I don't consider it cheating to have booked a week's holidays in November. One, I failed to complete either challenge last time so my goal is to complete at least one of them this time around. And two, last time (when I failed) I was doing the challenges separately. This time I'll be doing them at the same time.

Like I said. I've lost my mind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations for singing up for Sven!!! Good luck with the writing.