Sunday, October 21, 2007

Missed It

You know, the problem with missed opportunities is that they seldom appear again.

Today was a breath-takingly beautiful day. The fall colours were extreme, the air was warm with just a breath of coolness, the sun was out in all its glory. I was even up by a decent hour.

But instead of getting out and enjoying the weather while it lasts, I piddled around at this and that. Then I decided to get some writing done which meant I had to shovel off my desk first (which was no one's fault but my own 'cause I started using it as a dumping ground).

Then I had a nap which I really didn't need and when I woke up went back to more picking up and piddling around.

The only good thing to come out of this story is the fact while I was sleeping I was visited by the plot bunny dream fairy who showed me how to get over a plot hurdle in Lost and Found.

So in the end, I guess the day wasn't a total loss. But I swear, if tomorrow is even half as beautiful as today was I'm going to get out there and enjoy it. Even if it's just to have a cup of tea on the deck.

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

it was wet and nasty today, and the power blew up. :(