Friday, August 8, 2008


The problem with resting on one’s laurels is that it starts to become an uncomfortable seating arrangement after awhile.

Since my 4,000 words, I haven’t written a whole lot. At least not fiction. I have been working on a legal document, but that’s something I’m not able to discuss until the whole thing has been settled.

So what else have I been doing this week?

This and that. Puttering around. Adjusting to having no place to go in the morning. Lots of Mahjong and Spider Solitaire.

Have you ever noticed that it’s harder to get things done when you have a lot of time on your hands? The more time I have the less I seem to accomplish. I’m hoping this is just an adjustment period and I’ll get over it.

Now excuse me while I continue with the Fantasy Island marathon.

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