Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have to admit I’m starting to feel a little paranoid about all the bad luck I’ve been subjected to lately.

For instance, not only have I not won the lottery, my U.I. claim has not been decided on yet so I don’t even have money to pay for any lottery tickets.

I had to pass on a trip to New Brunswick to see my sister (even free trips are not without cost).

The fight to go back to school is turning into a real fight, thanks to the company I formerly worked for (who screwed up my record of employment and refuse to fix it).

Even something as simple as taking pictures turned into a circus of bad luck. We were at a barbeque at the family cottage last night and sunset found me down on the deck over the lake to take pictures. The sun was hidden by clouds, so all I got were some colourful pictures of clouds, backlit by the setting sun.

Later, by the campfire, I could see the moon just starting to rise over the trees. I snapped a couple of pictures and then my camera went dark. The battery was dead. Only the lens is supposed to retract automatically when the camera is off, and it didn’t do that. When I got home I charged the battery and it still wouldn’t shut off properly. I can’t even get it to download the pictures onto my computer. Sigh. Just what I need. A broken camera.

So, I say, if life hand you lemons . . . take them! It’ll give you something to throw at the people who tell you to make lemonaide.

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