Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

I'm starting to feel like the Little Engine That Could. I keep plugging away at things but most days it seems like an uphill battle.

There's been a lot of storm systems moving through our area (and I won't run my precious lap top when it's storming) and even more grey days. Lack of sun is my number one energy sink. Which is ironic because although I like to see the sun, I don't like being out in it and I can't stand bright light.

Notice, however, the progress bar on DIF has moved. I've written almost 4,000 more words since I last updated. And after I realized that I immediately rested on my laurels and haven't written much since. I did, however, jot down a couple of new ideas in my writing journal. One of which is for a romantic short story, which I've never tried before. It will be interesting to see what comes of it.

I have made far more progress with my writing than with cleaning out the spare bedroom closet. How could such a good idea have gone so wrong? I never realized what a pack rat I am. Well, that's not true. I knew, I just didn't want to acknowledge it. After having spent who knows how many dollars on all this stuff, I'm loathe to just throw it out. *sigh*

Thirty years worth of the Writer and Writer's Digest
At least five years worth of the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Three years worth of Omni Magazine
A lifetime of craft magazines and books.
I won't even start on the art supplies.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I think the following two pictures fill my writing quota for the last couple of days. The first is the stuff I've taken out of the closet, the second is the closet itself.


Unknown said...

That is a "nice" big closet...he he...

Anonymous said...

you can't throw out arts & crafts supplies. . .We need to make decorations for the Christmas Tree I am making Chris buy me this year!!!!!!!!!!!

Also some of the art supplies are mine and will be moving as soon as I get somewhere to move them too. . . .

Carol, the cat slave said...

Don't worry, I'd never throw out arts/crafts supplies. I was talking more about the magazines.