Friday, May 18, 2007

Missed Opportunities

As I fall asleep at night, to relax I start going over scenes from whatever I've been writing. Last night I started working out a particularly sticky scene in Lost and Found - where my main characters go from sleeping together to having sex. It's a crucial transition and it's been giving me no end of trouble.

Last night as I was falling asleep I started thinking about that scene and the words started to come. Did I get up and write them down somewhere? No, I did not. I figured, like oh so many fools before me, that I would remember it in the morning. The words were that perfect.

I believe I mentioned once before that I have a mind like a steel sieve.

I hereby vow to keep a notebook and book lite and pen on my nightstand. I might even leave pens and notebooks scattered throughout the house so I don't have to go looking for them and get distracted, hence forgetting what I was doing.

I'm so disgusted with myself!

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

one book and one pen, that clip to your clothing. Otherwise you'll write something in one book and not have it when you need it, and holy schmoly it's 12.23am. Goodnight!~