Sunday, May 13, 2007


Okay. As stated previously this was supposed to be my writing blitz weekend.

Well, first I slept in really late on Saturday morning. I puttered around in my office, wrote a long e-mail to my sister, and generally futzed around waiting for inspiration to slap me in the head.

Then there was a knock at my door. Inspiration came knocking? Not quite. It was my writing buddy CrazyNance and her CrazySpouse. We had tea and cookies and a nice visit, and then I challenged her to see who could write the most words by the end of the weekend.

I started out by picking up around the house. Then, in the early evening, I finally buckled down and started writing like a crazy woman until bedtime.

This morning I was up at a decent hour, but my house really needed cleaning. I was having a friend for coffee and then we were going out, and she hadn't seen my office yet so I also needed to get the bookcases organized and get rid of boxes of books from the book sale and then we were going to the in-laws for supper.

In other words. I didn't get much writing done today. But check the Zokutou bar. I still managed a total of 3,091 words for the weekend. Beat that, CrazyNance!

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

I can't beat it, you won...