Sunday, May 27, 2007


We had unexpected guests for dinner last night. They showed up just before dinner, but because this hadn't been planned all we had to offer them was stale bread. They finished the evening by having a dip in our pond. It was our annual guests, Daphne and Donald, a pair of mallard ducks. My kitty minions were plastered to the windows going "Here ducky, ducky, ducky . . ."

Had a nice long talk with my Crazy Writing Buddy, which is something we need to do on a regular basis for brainstorming/inspirational reasons.

Didn't get a lot of actual writing done yesterday, but I've made up for it tonight. It wasn't as much as I was hoping for, but still, 3,000 words is nothing to sneer at.

I'm still foraging ahead, trying not to go back and make changes until the first draft is finished. I've got a note book for notes specific to Driving Into Forever. Last week I decided the espionage story line needed to be worked out; this week I've realized the villain needs to be more obvious. There's always something!

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