Thursday, March 1, 2007

March Came in Like a Lion

Happy first day of March - snow, wind, freezing rain and all!

Look to the right . . . what do you see? That's right, they're baaacckkk! My nifty little Zokutou bars. Maybe they'll inspire me to get some writing work done this weekend. My novel has been filling my brain, especially one of the scenes I've been having trouble with.

The problem is I'm too emotionally and mentally exhausted by the time I get home from work to think about writing. It's almost worse than physical exhaustion. I haven't even been reading much, until this week.

This past weekend I got the closet in my office cleared out and filled yet another garbage bag. This weekend, when I need a break from all the writing of course, I can finally start the "putting back together" phase of this project.

Still working as much overtime as I can manage. I'll be very glad when things are caught up and I can ease up on it. Of course one thing gets caught up and 3 more fall behind.

My kitty minions jimmied the lock on the office door - I came home from work today to find it wide open. It doesn't look like anyone misbehaived in there so I'm tempted to leave it open. Makes it more conducive to working in there when I'm too tired to write.

I want to get that office finished, or at least finished enough to use. Maybe I'm just deluding myself that once it's done I'll get more writing accomplished. Maybe all that will change is I'll just end up with a more organized place to store my books and writing stuff. Who knows? Just keep an eye on those Zokutou bars, just in case.

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