Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Work is a Four-lettered Word

Pour yourself a cup of coffee, this might take awhile.

First of all. I have the mother of all head colds. And do you know why I have the mother of all colds? It’s because someone who was returning to work after a maternity leave sat in our little corner for the last few days, coughing and sneezing all over everything and everyone. And she didn’t even have accommodation to sit there! I am SOOOOO pissed off!

Second of all. We were blind-sided at work today with the news that all billing trained chat reps were now to do billing over the phone. A few got switched over right away, then later in the day the rest of us suddenly found ourselves with programs popping up without any warning whatsoever.

I was right in the middle of a chat when they switched to the on-phone billing! I had five notifications that I had calls before I realized what was going on.

And the company motto? Honesty, Dignity and Respect.

What a bunch of bullshit!

Billing over the phone, for those of you not in the know, is why I was on a ten month medical leave and ended up both medicated and in therapy. The therapy ended over a year ago and I’ve been off the meds for two months now. I’d like to keep it this way.

It was stated in the forms my doctor filled out before I returned to work that I was to stay away from the technical support and billing over the phone. We’ll see if it stands up over the next few weeks.

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