Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 14

I kept putting off this post, hoping the numbers would magically change but alas they haven't.

I think I should be up around the 12000 mark by today, but as you can see I'm not even close.

Writing these days is like chronic constipation. You know it's in there, but it just doesn't want to come out.

My excuse all week has been I'll do better on the weekend. I have no excuse for the weekend. I cam home from work on Friday night and literally have not gone out once. I sit at the computer, poised to type, and nothing. I'm not even wasting time playing games. I'm just not doing anything.

It's discouraging, but I'm far from ready to give up. I just have to find my writing groove for this story. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

graceunderpressure said...

CC - you don't know the half of it!

I has wroteded some wordzez. ^_^ Now I is a happy gurl.

I go to post update.