Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How Hot Is It?

It is so hot, I even contemplated trying out the pool last night. And the water temperature is only 65F.

To be fair, I did try to get some writing done, but it was too hot to concentrate, especially using the lap top. So, after checking my e-mail last night I did some crocheting. Very relaxing.

I have finally finished the first draft of Driving Into Forever, but there's still a lot of stuff I have to go back and add. Like fleshing out the characters; including the villain in some of the action other than kidnapping the woman at the end (the way it reads now he kinda lacks a motive. I know why he's kidnapping her, but the reader won't); and the whole espionage story line. I also have to settle on the ins and outs of my setting. The rules kind of change between DIF and L&F.

I hope it doesn't take me a long to edit as it did to write the first draft, but I'm not holding my breath.

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